What is BioLNG?

BioLNG stands for liquified natural gas from biological origin. This is made as a by processing organic waste (food waste, manure, sludge, etc.) through anaerobic digestion, resulting in the production of biogas.

The main components of the biogas are methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). These two are separated and purified (if needed) and the CH4is liquified.

BioLNG’s energy density is 600 times greater than that of biomethane, thanks to the liquefaction step, making it an ideal fuel for heavy duty transport vehicles and maritime.

How does BioLNG contribute
to carbon neutrality?

The shipping industry is responsible for emitting approximately 1.1 Gt of CO2(3% of the global GHG emissions), as well as large amounts of NOxand SOX. Replacing fossil-based fuels with bio-LNG where applicable can reduce GHG emissions by 80%, contributing to achieving the UN 2050 emission targets.

How does DBG stand out?

The feedstock that, we, at DBG use for the production of BioLNG is paper sludge. Whereas many different feedstocks qualify for the production of biogas, paper sludge in particular has very valuable characteristics, as it is continuously and readily available throughout the year, and is 4 times more energy-dense than manure. Those features make our feedstock very energy-efficient and makes our BioLNG a reliable energy source.

The BioLNG we produce will be supplied to the heavy-duty transport and maritime sector. Those sectors typically use diesel or maritime diesel, which are both very pollutive as they emit lots of NOx. As a reference, NOx is a 25 times more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. By switching the sector to BioLNG, they will start to use natural gas as a fuel, which leads to lower NOx and CO2 emissions.

We produce the BioLNG always in close vicinity (maximum radius of 500km) to the place where we collect the feedstock, which reduces our dependency on energy from far-away places, thus ensuring energy self-sufficiency.